Janet Heather Cooley
- Associate Clinical Professor
- Director, Experiential Education
- (520) 626-5095
- Roy P. Drachman Hall, Rm. B306D
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- cooleyj@arizona.edu
- Pharm.D.
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona
- B.S. Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona
Work Experience
- University of Arizona, College of Pharmacy (2011 - Ongoing)
- University of Arizona College of Pharmacy (2011 - 2019)
- University Physicians Healthcare Hospital (2007 - 2011)
- Apothecary Shops of Tucson (2006 - 2007)
- Schnellmann Family Faculty Award
- University of Arizona College of Pharmacy, Winter 2020
- Pharmacy Appreciation Award
- Arizona Pharmacy Association, Summer 2020
- Innovations in Teaching Competition
- American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Summer 2017
- American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, Summer 2014 (Award Finalist)
- Master of Ceremonies for College of Pharmacy White Coat Ceremony
- College of Pharmacy Class of 2018, Spring 2017
- Theodore G. Tong Distinguished Leadership and Service Award
- University of Arizona College of Pharmacy, Spring 2017 (Award Nominee)
- University of Arizona College of Pharmacy, Spring 2015 (Award Nominee)
- College of Pharmacy Clinical Educator of the Year
- College of Pharmacy, Spring 2016 (Award Nominee)
- Clinical Science Educator of the Year
- College of Pharmacy, Spring 2014
- Albert E. Rosica, Jr. Memorial Award
- American College of Apothecaries, Fall 2013
- Phi Delta Chi Distinguished Alumnus of the Year
- Phi Delta Chi, Alpha Nu Chapter, Spring 2013
- Perrigo Award of Excellence
- University of Arizona College of Pharmacy, Spring 2006
- Andrew P Martin Scholarship
- University of Arizona College of Pharmacy, Spring 2005
- Charles Nielsen Scholarship
- University of Arizona College of Pharmacy, Spring 2004
- Phi Delta Chi Scholastic Achievement Award
- University of Arizona College of Pharmacy, Spring 2003
- Rho Chi Recognition of High Scholastic Achievement
- University of Arizona College of Pharmacy, Spring 2003
Licensure & Certification
- Licensed Pharmacist, Arizona State Board of Pharmacy (2006)
- Board Certified Ambulatory Care Pharmacist, Board of Pharmacy Specialties (2011)
Interprofessional education, Pharmacists' Patient Care Process, Professional Identity formation
Interprofessional education, Interprofessional team care, Pharmacists' Patient Care Process, curriculum, scholarship of teaching and learning, scholarly impact
2024-25 Courses
Adv Pharmacy Practice Exper
PHPR 803 (Spring 2025) -
Advanced Patient Care
PHPR 811 (Spring 2025) -
Adv Pharmacy Practice Exper
PHPR 803 (Fall 2024) -
Preparation for Rotation
PHPR 895B (Fall 2024)
2023-24 Courses
Adv Pharmacy Practice Exper
PHPR 803 (Summer I 2024) -
Adv Pharmacy Practice Exper
PHPR 803 (Spring 2024) -
Advanced Patient Care
PHPR 811 (Spring 2024) -
Adv Pharmacy Practice Exper
PHPR 803 (Fall 2023) -
Preparation for Rotation
PHPR 895B (Fall 2023)
2022-23 Courses
Adv Pharmacy Practice Exper
PHPR 803 (Summer I 2023) -
Independent Study
PHPR 899 (Summer I 2023) -
Adv Pharmacy Practice Exper
PHPR 803 (Spring 2023) -
SOTL Journal ClubSeminar
PHPR 896B (Spring 2023) -
Adv Pharmacy Practice Exper
PHPR 803 (Fall 2022) -
Preparation for Rotation
PHPR 895B (Fall 2022)
2021-22 Courses
Adv Pharmacy Practice Exper
PHPR 803 (Summer I 2022) -
Adv Pharmacy Practice Exper
PHPR 803 (Spring 2022) -
Adv Pharmacy Practice Exper
PHPR 803 (Fall 2021) -
Preparation for Rotation
PHPR 895B (Fall 2021)
2020-21 Courses
Adv Pharmacy Practice Exper
PHPR 803 (Summer I 2021) -
Adv Pharmacy Practice Exper
PHPR 803 (Spring 2021) -
Independent Study
PHPR 899 (Spring 2021) -
Adv Pharmacy Practice Exper
PHPR 803 (Fall 2020) -
Preparation for Rotation
PHPR 895B (Fall 2020) -
Self-Care Pharmacotherapeutics
PHPR 812 (Fall 2020)
2019-20 Courses
Adv Pharmacy Practice Exper
PHPR 803 (Summer I 2020) -
Adv Pharmacy Practice Exper
PHPR 803 (Spring 2020) -
Research Project II
PHPR 896B (Spring 2020) -
Writing a Research Proposal
PHPR 862 (Spring 2020) -
Adv Pharmacy Practice Exper
PHPR 803 (Fall 2019) -
Independent Study
PHPR 899 (Fall 2019) -
Preparation for Rotation
PHPR 895B (Fall 2019) -
Research Project I
PHPR 896A (Fall 2019) -
Self-Care Pharmacotherapeutics
PHPR 812 (Fall 2019)
2018-19 Courses
Adv Pharmacy Practice Exper
PHPR 803 (Summer I 2019) -
Adv Pharmacy Practice Exper
PHPR 803 (Spring 2019) -
Research Project II
PHPR 896B (Spring 2019) -
Self-Care Pharmacotherapeutics
PHPR 812 (Spring 2019) -
Adv Pharmacy Practice Exper
PHPR 803 (Fall 2018) -
Independent Study
PHPR 899 (Fall 2018) -
Preparation for Rotation
PHPR 895B (Fall 2018) -
Research Project I
PHPR 896A (Fall 2018)
2017-18 Courses
Adv Pharmacy Practice Exper
PHPR 803 (Summer I 2018) -
Adv Pharmacy Practice Exper
PHPR 803 (Spring 2018) -
Independent Study
PHPR 899 (Spring 2018) -
Pharmacy Practice Project
PHPR 896B (Spring 2018) -
Self-Care Pharmacotherapeutics
PHPR 812 (Spring 2018) -
Writ Prop Scientfic Std
PHPR 862 (Spring 2018) -
Adv Pharmacy Practice Exper
PHPR 803 (Fall 2017) -
Pharmacy Prac Project
PHPR 896A (Fall 2017) -
Preparation for Rotation
PHPR 895B (Fall 2017)
2016-17 Courses
Adv Pharmacy Practice Exper
PHPR 803 (Summer I 2017) -
Adv Pharmacy Practice Exper
PHPR 803 (Spring 2017) -
Pharmacy Practice Project
PHPR 896B (Spring 2017) -
Writ Prop Scientfic Std
PHPR 862 (Spring 2017) -
Adv Pharmacy Practice Exper
PHPR 803 (Fall 2016) -
Case Dis Med Chem+Pharm
PHPR 822 (Fall 2016) -
Pharmacy Prac Project
PHPR 896A (Fall 2016) -
Preparation for Rotation
PHPR 895B (Fall 2016)
2015-16 Courses
Adv Pharmacy Practice Exper
PHPR 803 (Summer I 2016) -
Adv Pharmacy Practice Exper
PHPR 803 (Spring 2016) -
Pharmacy Practice Project
PHPR 896B (Spring 2016) -
Writ Prop Scientfic Std
PHPR 862 (Spring 2016)
Scholarly Contributions
- Cooley, J. H., & Zerr, B. (2023). Acne. In Pharmacotherapy Principles and Practice Study Guide: A Case Based Care Plan Approach 6th Edition. McGraw-Hill.
- Cooley, J. H., & Zerr, B. (2019). Case 70: Acne. In Pharmacotherapy Principles and Practice Study Guide: A Case Based Care Plan Approach 5th Edition. McGraw-Hill.
- Cooley, J. H., Larson, S., & Burnworth, M. (2024). We Don’t Talk about Failure…No, No, No. . Arizona Journal of Pharmacy.
- Cooley, J. H., Larson, S., & Cook, S. (2024). The Continuous Professional Development Model in Pharmacy. . Arizona Journal of Pharmacy.
- Cooley, J., & Frederick, K. (2024). Could coping with your inner critic be the key to unlocking your scholarly writing?. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, 16(6), 392-395. doi:10.1016/j.cptl.2024.03.013More infoIntroduction: Though various barriers to productive writing habits exist in academia, scholarship is a critical part of faculty expectations. One barrier that has not been well addressed in the literature is the presence and interference of a negative inner critic, an internal voice or dialogue that criticizes work, halts creativity, and paralyzes writing. Commentary: The purpose of this commentary is to describe the limited evidence-base and anecdotal strategies shown to support increased writing productivity by acknowledging and navigating the inner critic. With strategies such as proper identification, acknowledgment, strong mentor-mentee relationships, personifying the inner critic, embracing a growth mindset, and considering the distinct phases of writing, faculty can cope with their critical inner voice and reclaim control of their scholarly writing productivity. Implications: With such a heavy emphasis on writing productivity for faculty, faculty are encouraged to more formally explore and implement professional development strategies to help navigate their inner critic and bolster writing productivity.
- Kennie-Kaulbach, N., Cooley, J., Williams, C., Riley, B., Anksorus, H., & O'Sullivan, T. (2024). How Preceptors Support Pharmacy Learner Professional Identity Formation. American Journal of Pharmacy Education, 88(9). doi:10.1016/j.ajpe.2024.100740More infoObjective: Pharmacy preceptors play a role in helping learners form professional identities during experiential education. However, it is not clear what specific roles and precepting strategies best foster professional identity formation (PIF). The objective of this study was to explore how preceptors support pharmacy learner PIF. Methods: This qualitative study used an interpretative descriptive approach. Preceptors from 5 experiential education programs were recruited using purposive sampling for individual semistructured interviews. Interviews were recorded, transcribed, coded, and analyzed by thematic analysis. Team members used a reflective and iterative approach for data analysis and generation of themes. Results: A total of 22 participants were interviewed from various pharmacy practice settings and precept a range of learners, including introductory pharmacy practice experiences, advanced pharmacy practice experiences, and residents. Four main themes were identified to support pharmacy leaner PIF: making learners part of the practice and team, preparing learners to assume the role of a pharmacist, helping learners navigate emotions during practice experiences, and supporting learners in finding the right fit within the profession. Specific precepting strategies associated with each theme were identified. Conclusion: Preceptors play an important role in supporting learners in thinking and acting as professionals while also helping navigate emotional experiences that may impact PIF and having conversations to help define learner's future aspirations of the pharmacist they want to become. Strategies identified can inform curricular approaches and preceptor development that intentionally supports PIF.
- Larson, S., & Cooley, J. (2024). Reflections on an evolving pharmacist professional identity from two pharmacy educators. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, 16(3). doi:10.1016/j.cptl.2023.12.030More infoPurpose: The purpose of this article is to describe the Professional Identity Formation (PIF) journeys of two Experiential Education (EE) Directors in a reflective narrative. Description: Using the “What? So What? Now What?” model of reflection, this manuscript will describe the experiences of two EE administrators as they reflect upon the various pivotal moments of their career and professional transitions. Analysis/Interpretation: As pharmacy educators seek to be purposeful and intentional about guiding their students' journeys to form their own professional identities, they must first be willing to engage in their own self-reflection to explore their own journeys. Then, pharmacy educators will be better equipped to assist learners as their own professional identity is developed. Conclusions and Implications: In this article, the authors have modeled candid self-reflection and have described their own PIF journeys to serve as a guide for other pharmacy educators seeking to do the same.
- Cooley, J. H., Arif, S., Moseley, L., Anksorus, H., & Kopacek, K. (2022). Lasting imprints: The role of Clinical Educators on Professional Identity Formation in Pharmacy Learners. . AACP Pharmacy Practice Section Newsletter.
- Cooley, J. H., Larson, S., & Cheung, M. (2023). A preceptor development program using an interactive board game. Currents in pharmacy teaching & learning, 15(8), 769-773.More infoColleges and schools of pharmacy and residency programs must be engaged in the purposeful development of their preceptors. Preceptor development needs vary widely from a new preceptor needing foundational preceptor skills to a more experienced preceptor who may wish to incorporate more sophisticated precepting methods such as layered learning or interprofessional precepting. It can be challenging to create preceptor development activities that meet these varied needs and keep preceptors of all levels engaged.
- Cooley, J. H., Larson, S., & Hanson, L. (2023). Tailoring Rotation Experiences for Unique Learner Needs. Arizona Journal of Pharmacy.
- Cooley, J., Beaudrie-Nunn, A., Slack, M., & Warholak, T. (2023). Identifying Student Research Project Impact Using the Buxton and Hanney Payback Framework. American Journal of Pharmacy Education, 87(4). doi:10.5688/ajpe9035More infoObjectives. To determine whether evidence of the impact of student quality improvement projects and research projects on practice sites and the community can be identified using the Buxton and Hanney Payback Framework (BHPF). Methods. The BHPF was used to identify the broader impact of quality improvement projects and research projects conducted by the Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD) class of 2020. The BHPF includes five domains of community impact: knowledge production, benefits to health or the health sector, benefits to future research, economic benefits, and policy and product development. Data were collected by having project preceptors complete a questionnaire and by reviewing student project posters. Data were analyzed by calculating frequencies and percentages for each domain. Results. Projects (N=73) were completed by 107 pharmacy students at health-system sites, community sites, academic sites, and other sites, and most often involved clinical care and pharmacy services (49%). Thirty-three preceptors (55%) responded to the questionnaire, and 73 project posters were reviewed. The most frequently identified impact types were knowledge production (n=43 for questionnaire, n=24 for posters) and health/health sector benefits (n=46 for questionnaire, n=8 for posters). Less frequently identified were economic benefits (total n=19), benefits to future research (total n=13), and policy and product development (total n=10). Conclusions. This study provides evidence that the impact of PharmD student quality improvement and research projects on practice sites and communities can be identified using the BHPF framework, and this impact extends beyond the usual academic outcomes of poster presentations and publications to include benefits related to improving quality of services, improving workflow, and providing opportunity for personal development.
- Cooley, J., Frederick, K. D., & Larson, S. (2023). Promoting continuing professional development (CPD) through a novel CPD advanced pharmacy practice experience. Currents in pharmacy teaching & learning, 15(1), 85-90.More infoThe Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education Standards 2016 and the Entrustable Professional Activities highlight the importance of continuing professional development (CPD) in pharmacy education. Furthermore, pharmacy graduates must self-direct their learning to sustain professional knowledge, skills, and practice. An advanced pharmacy practice experience (APPE) dedicated to CPD can help meet standards of pharmacy education and prepare students for a career of lifelong learning.
- Greenberg, D., Cooley, J. H., Larson, S., Cooley, J. H., Greenberg, D., & Larson, S. (2023). The Impact of Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experiences: A Reflection on my Journey. Arizona Journal of Pharmacy.
- Janke, K. K., Cooley, J. H., & Albon, S. P. (2023). Corrigendum to "Interrogating Our Views on the Impact of Education-Related Scholarship" [Am J Pharm Educ 7 (2023) 100085]. American journal of pharmaceutical education, 87(10), 100573.
- Janke, K. K., Cooley, J. H., & Albon, S. P. (2023). Interrogating Our Views on the Impact of Education-Related Scholarship. American journal of pharmaceutical education, 87(6), 100085.More infoFrom junior faculty members to seasoned full professors, pharmacy educators have likely all felt pressure to focus on peer-reviewed publication. Although publication is an important part of an academician's work, have we missed something critical by not focusing greater attention on a more inclusive conceptualization of education-related scholarship's impact? How can we describe the full impact of our education-related scholarship beyond traditional metrics (ie, publications, presentations, and grant funding) if the issue is not critically examined? With the growing expectations for scholarly teaching and interest in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in academic pharmacy in both the United States and Canada, this commentary examines and questions the current, often narrow, views on pharmacy educators' scholarly impact. In addition, it provides a new definition of education-related impact to encourage a more expansive view.
- Pharm, M., Cooley, J. H., & Larson, S. (2023). Looking Forward to Rotations: Perspectives of a First-Year Pharmacy Student. Arizona Journal of Pharmacy.
- Albon, S. P., Cooley, J. H., & Janke, K. K. (2022). A Tool for Creating Snapshots of Faculty Contributions to Pharmacy Education. American journal of pharmaceutical education, 86(2), 8628. doi:https://doi.org/10.5688/ajpe8628More infoEducation contributions are significant, but often challenging to document and describe. In addition, contributions may go unrecognized or rewarded unless the work results in publication or presentation. Drawing on a metaphor of the importance of the fisher's photo to capture memories of successful fishing trips, this commentary examines methods to identify and organize contributions. Frameworks and a visual tool are presented to assist pharmacy educators in thinking systematically about the full breadth of education contributions. Using the frameworks and visualization tool, a more complete picture of education contributions develops, allowing educators to create visual snapshots of their work for others to see and appreciate.
- Chien, J., Axon, D. R., & Cooley, J. (2022). Student pharmacists' perceptions of their professional identity. Currents in pharmacy teaching & learning, 14(6), 712-719.More infoProfessional identity describes the internal feeling of belonging to a community, such that someone "thinks, feels, and acts" like a member of a profession. Clear professional identity formation can improve the transition from school to work. However, there is limited knowledge about student pharmacists' perceptions of their professional identity. This research aimed to identify and compare student pharmacists' perceptions of their professional identity and to compare those perceptions across class cohorts.
- Cooley, J. H., Beaudrie-Nunn, A., Slack, M., & Warholak, T. L. (2022). Identifying Student Research Project Impact Using the Buxton and Hanney Payback Framework. American journal of pharmaceutical education, 9035.More infoDetermine if evidence of the impact of student quality improvement (QI) and research projects on practice sites and the community can be identified using the Buxton and Hanney Payback Framework (BHPF). The BHPF was used to identify the broader impact of QI and research projects conducted by the Doctor of Pharmacy Class of 2020. The BHPF includes five domains of community impact: knowledge production, benefits to health or the health sector, benefits to future research, economic benefits, and policy and product development. Data were collected by surveying project preceptors and by reviewing student project posters. Data were analyzed by calculating frequencies and percentages for each domain. Projects (n=73) were completed by 107 students at health system, community, academic and other sites, most often involved clinical care and pharmacy services (49%). Thirty-three preceptors (55%) responded to the survey and 73 project posters were reviewed. The most frequently identified impact types were knowledge production (N=43 for survey, N=24 for posters) and health/health sector benefits (N=46 for survey, N=8 for posters). Less frequently identified were economic benefits (total N=19), benefits to future research (total N=13), and policy and product development (total N=10). This study provides evidence that impact of PharmD student QI and research projects on practice sites and communities can be identified using the BHPF framework and that impact extends beyond the usual academic outcomes of poster presentations and publications to include benefits related to improving quality of services, improving workflow, and providing opportunity for personal development.
- Larson, S., Cooley, J. H., & Griffin, B. (2022). Preceptor Pearl: Your students want more professional development. Arizona Journal of Pharmacy.
- Obeng-Kusi, M., Choi, B. M., Axon, D. R., Cooley, J., & Warholak, T. (2022). Improving and validating a rating scale to assess student pharmacists' perception of professional identity. Journal of the American Pharmacists Association : JAPhA, 62(5), 1623-1630.e2.More infoThere are limited data on the psychometric properties of instruments evaluating professional identity (PI) among student pharmacists.
- Slack, M. K., & Cooley, J. (2022). Using retrospective pretests to obtain subjective patient data: A case example. American journal of health-system pharmacy : AJHP : official journal of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, 79(8), 701-703.
- Cheung, M., Larson, S., & Cooley, J. H. (2021). Debunking the Myths of Rotation Onboarding: A Guide for Preceptors.. Arizona Journal of Pharmacy.
- Cooley, J. H., & Larson, S. (2021). To Precept or Not to Precept: Addressing the Benefits and Concerns of Being a Pharmacy Preceptor. Arizona Journal of Pharmacy.
- Cooley, J., Larson, S., & Stevens, A. (2021). What does experiential education look like in a global pandemic? Reflecting back and looking forward. Currents in pharmacy teaching & learning, 13(7), 881-884.More infoThe purpose of this reflection or wisdom of experience article is to describe and reflect on the impacts of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) on experiential education (EE) leadership and teams. Additionally, this reflection will shift the focus from the spring 2020 environment of SARS-CoV-2 to what EE teams and college administration can learn from those experiences. Moving forward, EE teams and administrators can be better equipped to proactively plan for future emergencies.
- Koolick, B., Larson, S., & Cooley, J. H. (2021). Pharmacist Reflections About the Impact of Pharmacy Practice Experiences: Part One of a Two-Part Series.. Arizona Journal of Pharmacy.
- Lee, J. K., McCutcheon, L. R., Fazel, M. T., Cooley, J. H., & Slack, M. K. (2021). Assessment of Interprofessional Collaborative Practices and Outcomes in Adults With Diabetes and Hypertension in Primary Care: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. JAMA network open, 4(2), e2036725.More infoInterprofessional collaborative practice (ICP), the collaboration of health workers from different professional backgrounds with patients, families, caregivers, and communities, is central to optimal primary care. However, limited evidence exists regarding its association with patient outcomes.
- Lewis, C., Larson, S., & Cooley, J. H. (2021). Pharmacist Reflections About the Impact of Pharmacy Practice Experiences: Part Two of a Two-Part Series.. Arizona Journal of Pharmacy.
- Lott, B. E., Anderson, E. J., Villa Zapata, L., Cooley, J., Forbes, S., Taylor, A. M., Manygoats, T., & Warholak, T. (2021). Expanding pharmacists' roles: Pharmacists' perspectives on barriers and facilitators to collaborative practice. Journal of the American Pharmacists Association : JAPhA, 61(2), 213-220.e1.More infoThe pharmacy profession is shifting from transactional dispensing of medication to a more comprehensive, patient-centered model of care. Collaborative practice agreements (CPAs) extend the role of a pharmacist to initiate, monitor, modify, and discontinue drug therapies and provide other clinical services. Although collaborative practice has been shown to improve health system efficiency and patient outcomes, little is known about how pharmacists perceive CPAs. To explore pharmacists' perspectives of CPAs, including barriers and facilitators to CPA implementation.
- Cooley, J. H., & Larson, S. (2020). Experiential Education in the Time of COVID-19. Arizona Journal of Pharmacy.
- Larson, S., & Cooley, J. H. (2020). The Flipside of Feedback: Advocating for, Receiving, and Incorporating Feedback. Arizona Journal of Pharmacy.
- Lott, B. E., Anderson, E. J., Villa Zapata, L., Cooley, J., Forbes, S., Taylor, A. M., & Warholak, T. (2020). Pharmacists' perceptions of the pharmacists' patient care process and performance in a simulated patient interaction. Journal of the American Pharmacists Association : JAPhA, 60(6), 796-803.e3. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.japh.2020.03.017More infoTo (1) evaluate the use of the pharmacists' patient care process (PPCP) by licensed pharmacists through a simulated patient activity and (2) describe pharmacists' awareness and perceptions of the PPCP in the state of Arizona.
- Fazel, M., Cooley, J., Kurdi, S., & Fazel, M. (2019). A co-curricular diabetes-specific elective with interprofessional students and faculty. Currents in pharmacy teaching & learning, 11(2), 172-177.More infoDevelop and assess the effectiveness of an interprofessional co-curricular elective in improving pharmacy students' confidence in providing diabetes self-management education and support (DSMES) to patients.
- Larson, S., & Cooley, J. H. (2019). Tailoring the four preceptor roles to meet the needs of learners. Arizona Journal of Pharmacy.
- McManus, K., Metrejean, C., Schweitzer, K., Cooley, J., & Warholak, T. (2019). Quality Improvement and Safety in US Pharmacy Schools. American journal of pharmaceutical education, 83(9), 7042.More infoTo catalog the methods in which quality improvement (QI) and safety are taught in schools and colleges of pharmacy in the United States and showcase exemplar QI programs. This descriptive, multi-phase study included an online questionnaire, syllabi review, and phone interviews. The study was approved by the University of Arizona Institutional Review Board (IRB). One representative from each US pharmacy school accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) was invited to participate. Participants indicated the type of QI education their school provided via online questionnaire. Following questionnaire completion, syllabi were requested from the schools and phone interviews were scheduled with a school representative to obtain additional information. From the data, exemplars were chosen using a predetermined, evidenced-based rubric. Of the 136 schools contacted, 56 (41.2%) completed the survey. Of the responding schools reporting their QI and safety offerings, 41 (73.2%) had a required session/module; 24 (42.9%) had a required course; 21 (37.5%) had an elective course; 21 (37.5%) had an introductory pharmacy practice experience (IPPE), advanced pharmacy practice experience (APPE), or internship; 17 (30.4%) had a required project; 17 (30.4%) had interprofessional education integrated into their course; 15 (26.8%) had an error laboratory; and 11 (19.6%) offered postgraduate training. Many of the responding US schools of pharmacy expose students to some aspect of QI and/or safety, most often via class session or module. The exemplar programs serve as examples of how QI can be further integrated into pharmacy curricula.
- Schussel, K. E., Forbes, S., Taylor, A. M., & Cooley, J. H. (2019). Implementation of an Interprofessional Medication Therapy Management Experience. American journal of pharmaceutical education, 83(3), 6584.More infoTo measure the impact of an interprofessional experience (IPE) in medication therapy management (MTM) on students' attitudes and skills regarding interprofessional collaboration (IPC). This interprofessional MTM experience spanned three weeks, with health science students (medicine, nursing, nutrition, and pharmacy) meeting once weekly. The IPE facilitated interprofessional student collaboration via small-group sessions to conduct MTM consultations for patients with complex chronic conditions. Student learning and attitudinal changes were evaluated by comparing pre- and post-IPE survey responses and a qualitative summary of the students' clinical recommendations. Efficacy of student groups was measured via patient satisfaction surveys and was reported by frequency of response. Twenty-seven students participated in the program and 22 completed both pre- and post-IPE surveys (81% response rate). The survey included open-ended and Likert-type items assessing students' attitudes and skills regarding the IPE as well as their reactions to the experience. Significant changes were observed for two attitudinal items regarding interprofessional teams: maintaining enthusiasm/interest and responsiveness to patients' emotional and financial needs. Patient-reported satisfaction and students' complex clinical recommendations provided further evidence of student learning. This novel IPE in MTM promoted interprofessional collaboration and education in this unique patient care area. Students' attitudes toward and skills in interprofessional collaboration improved, and the patients who received care reported positive experiences. Many health professions programs face challenges in meeting IPE requirements. The results of our study may provide the impetus for other institutions to develop similar programs to meet this urgent need.
- Styskal, E. W., Larson, S., & Cooley, J. H. (2019). Overcoming Barriers to the Provision of Effective Feedback. Arizona Journal of Pharmacy.
- Augustine, J., Slack, M., Cooley, J., Bhattacharjee, S., Holmes, E., & Warholak, T. L. (2018). Identification of Key Business and Management Skills Needed for Pharmacy Graduates. American journal of pharmaceutical education, 82(8), 6364.More infoTo identify key business, management, and human resources skills needed by pharmacy graduates. Pharmacy preceptors were recruited for inclusion in one of four focus groups. At each focus group, participants were asked to complete a demographic questionnaire and to identify key skills that new graduates need but do not have. Each focus group was audio-recorded, transcribed, de-identified, and categorized using a data dictionary. Twenty-seven preceptors participated in the focus groups. Fourteen participants had a Doctor of Pharmacy degree. Participants were involved in management positions for a median of 10.5 years (range 5-21 years) and 50% (median) of their time was devoted to management responsibilities (range 20%-80%). Seven themes were identified as being most critical: communication, business skills, decision-making and time management, conflict resolution, leadership and professionalism, personnel management, and computer software techniques. Communication was the most prominent skill identified, followed by decision-making and business knowledge. These skills should be addressed in pharmacy curricula. Future research should focus on how to best teach these skills.
- Cooley, J. H., & Larson, S. (2018). Promoting a growth mindset in pharmacy educators and students. Currents in pharmacy teaching & learning, 10(6), 675-679.More infoMindsets are implicit theories that influence how individuals think, act, and respond. Those with a fixed mindset tend to resist learning opportunities; those with a growth mindset embrace learning opportunities. It is important that pharmacy educators work to shift the mindsets of their students toward a growth mindset in order to promote resilience, improve personal outcomes, and enhance attitudes toward learning. Mindsets are not static, and with persistence and effort, can be modified.
- Cooley, J., & Lee, J. (2018). Implementing the Pharmacists' Patient Care Process at a Public Pharmacy School. American journal of pharmaceutical education, 82(2), 6301.More infoThe Joint Commission of Pharmacy Practitioners has provided the profession of pharmacy a patient-centered care model known as the Pharmacists' Patient Care Process (PPCP). This process will serve to provide consistency throughout the profession as it becomes incorporated throughout pharmacy practice and education. A description of the early stages of implementing the PPCP at one public college of pharmacy provides insights into opportunities for education and assessment.
- Cooley, J., Stolpe, S. F., Montoya, A., Walsh, A., Hincapie, A. L., Arya, V., Nelson, M. L., & Warholak, T. (2017). An Analysis of Quality Improvement Education at US Colleges of Pharmacy. American journal of pharmaceutical education, 81(3), 51.More infoObjective. Analyze quality improvement (QI) education across US pharmacy programs. Methods. This was a two stage cross-sectional study that inspected each accredited school website for published QI curriculum or related content, and e-mailed a questionnaire to each school asking about QI curriculum or content. T-test and chi square were used for analysis with an alpha a priori set at .05. Results. Sixty responses (47% response rate) revealed the least-covered QI topics: quality dashboards /sentinel systems (30%); six-sigma or other QI methodologies (45%); safety and quality measures (57%); Medicare Star measures and payment incentives (58%); and how to implement changes to improve quality (60%). More private institutions covered Adverse Drug Events than public institutions and required a dedicated QI class; however, required QI projects were more often reported by public institutions. Conclusion. Despite the need for pharmacists to understand QI, it is not covered well in school curricula.
- Warholak, T. L., Schweitzer, K., Metrejean, C., Mcmanus, K., & Cooley, J. (2017). Teaching about quality and safety at schools/colleges of pharmacy in the united states: Exemplars. Research in Social & Administrative Pharmacy, 13(4), e22. doi:10.1016/j.sapharm.2017.03.025More infoObjective: The purpose of this project is to: 1) catalog the methods in which quality improvement (QI) is being taught in colleges and schools of pharmacy in the United States (US) and 2) showcase ...
- Zhou, L., Almutairi, A. R., Alsaid, N. S., Warholak, T. L., & Cooley, J. (2017). Establishing the Validity and Reliability Evidence of Preceptor Assessment of Student Tool. American journal of pharmaceutical education, 81(8), 5908.More infoObjective. To evaluate the validity and reliability evidence of the preceptor assessment of student tool (PAST) which was designed to assess doctor of pharmacy (PharmD) student rotation performance. Methods. Evaluation data were loaded into WINSTEPS software to conduct a Rasch rating scale analysis. Validity evidence was examined from construct and content validity perspectives, and reliability was assessed via student and item separation index and reliability coefficient. Data from 435 observations were included in the analysis. Results. All 19 items measured the same construct of interest and the five-point rating scale functioned appropriately and differentiated students' ability. However, the item/person map indicated an absence of items at the end of the measurement continuum. Conclusion. Although adding items at the end of the measurement continuum may be beneficial, PAST showed good validity and reliability evidence when used to evaluate PharmD student rotations and is suitable to assess mastery learning.
- Patel, M., Slack, M., Cooley, J., & Bhattacharjee, S. (2016). A cross-sectional survey of pharmacists to understand their personal preference of brand and generic over-the-counter medications used to treat common health conditions. Journal of pharmaceutical policy and practice, 9, 17.More infoConsumers are hesitant in choosing generic medications as they are under the assumption that they are not as safe nor effective as brand medications. However, pharmacists do have the education and training to know that this is not the case. The aim of this study was to determine pharmacists' preference of generic versus brand over-the-counter (OTC) medication for their personal use as self-treatment for various health symptoms.
- Amerongen, H. M., LeGros, T. A., Cooley, J. H., Schloss, E. P., & Theodorou, A. (2015). Constructive Contact: Design of a Successful Introductory Interprofessional Education Experience. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, 7(5), 565-574. doi:doi:10.1016
- Cooley, J. H. (2015). Preparing pharmacy graduates for interviews: A collaborative statewide mock interview session to improve confidence. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning.
- Cooley, J., Nelson, M., Slack, M., & Warholak, T. (2015). Outcomes of a Multi-faceted Educational Intervention to Increase Student Scholarship. American journal of pharmaceutical education, 79(6), 80.More infoObjective. To increase the percentage of state, national, or international student presentations and publications. Design. A multi-faceted intervention to increase student scholarly output was developed that included: (1) a 120-minute lecture on publication of quality improvement or independent study research findings; (2) abstract workshops; (3) poster workshops; and (4) a reminder at an advanced pharmacy practice experience (APPE) meeting encouraging students to publish or present posters. The intervention effect was measured as the percent of students who presented at meetings and the number of student projects published. Assessment. A significant increase occurred in the percent of students who presented posters or published manuscripts after the intervention (64% vs 81%). Total student productivity increased from 84 to 147 posters, publications, and presentations. The number of projects presented or published increased from 50 to 77 in one year. Conclusion. This high-impact, low-cost intervention increased scholarly output and may help students stand out in a competitive job market.
- LeGros, T. A., Amerongen, H. M., Cooley, J. H., & Schloss, E. P. (2015). Using learning theory, interprofessional facilitation competencies, and behavioral indicators to evaluate facilitator training. Journal of interprofessional care, 29(6), 596-602.More infoDespite the increasing need for faculty and preceptors skilled in interprofessional facilitation (IPF), the relative novelty of the field poses a challenge to the development and evaluation of IPF programs. We use learning theory and IPF competencies with associated behavioral indicators to develop and evaluate six key messages in IPF training and experience. Our mixed methods approach included two phases: quantitative data collection with embedded qualitative data, followed by qualitative data collection in explanatory sequential fashion. This enabled triangulated analyses of both data types and of facilitation behaviors from facilitator and student perspectives. Results indicate the competency-based training was effective. Facilitators felt comfortable performing behaviors associated with IPF competencies; student observations of those behaviors supported facilitator self-reported performance. Overall, students perceived more facilitation opportunities than facilitators. Findings corroborate the importance of recruiting seasoned facilitators and establishing IPF guidelines that acknowledge variable team dynamics and help facilitators recognize teachable moments.
- Slack, M., Cooley, J., Guimond, S., Okegbile, E., & Stevens, J. (2015). Differences In Pharmacists' Skin Cancer Prevention Strategies by Age and Gender. Value in health : the journal of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research, 18(7), A824.
- Larson, S., Cooley, J. H., Davis, L., Yip, S., Powell, A., & Hillman, J. (2014). Perspectives from within: mock interviews for student pharmacists at the AzPA Annual Convention. Arizona Journal of Pharmacy.
- Lee, J. K., Cooley, J. H., Tanner, N. E., Hanauer, C. N., Schiefer, D. M., & Herrier, R. N. (2014). Development of a pharmacy capstone course from focus groups to advanced patient care. American journal of pharmaceutical education, 78(8), 156.More infoTo describe the development of a capstone course using qualitative results of focus groups and to determine the impact of the course using a pre- and postcourse surveys.
- Woodard, A., Matthews, K., & Cooley, J. H. (2014). Patient Satisfaction with a Medication Mail-Back Program. Arizona Journal of Pharmacy.
- Aguilar, C., Chau, C., Giridharan, N., Huh, Y., Cooley, J., & Warholak, T. L. (2013). How to plan workflow changes: a practical quality improvement tool used in an outpatient hospital pharmacy. Journal of pharmacy practice, 26(3), 214-9.More infoA quality improvement tool is provided to improve pharmacy workflow with the goal of minimizing errors caused by workflow issues. This study involved workflow evaluation and reorganization, and staff opinions of these proposed changes.
- Cooley, J. H., & Quale, L. M. (2013). Skin cancer preventive behavior and sun protection recommendations. Seminars in oncology nursing, 29(3), 223-6.More infoTo summarize, in tabular form, the current literature and information available for skin cancer preventive behaviors and sun protection recommendations.
- Daugherty, T., Kultgen, J., & Cooley, J. H. (2013). Super Bugs. Arizona Journal of Pharmacy.
- Goldstone, L. W., & Cooley, J. (2013). An interprofessional psychiatric advanced pharmacy practice experience. American journal of pharmaceutical education, 77(6), 129.More infoTo create an interprofessional psychiatry advanced pharmacy practice experience (APPE) and assess the initial outcomes.
- Ito, S., & Cooley, J. H. (2011). Calcium Intake for Treatment and Prevention of Osteoporosis and Fracture. Arizona Journal of Pharmacy.
- Cooley, J. H., & Larson, S. (2024, June). Preceptor Workshop: Choose your own adventure. AZPA Annual Meeting. Phoenix: Arizona Pharmacy Association.
- Cooley, J. H., Frederick, K., & Griffin, B. (2024, October). It’s All in Your Head: Inner Critic Management. American Society of Health-System Pharmacists National Pharmacy Preceptors Conference. Virtual: ASHP.
- Cooley, J. H., Nisly, S., Frederick, K., Brown, S., Larson, S., & Cat, T. (2024, June). Growth Mindsets 2.0: Navigating Challenges in Pharmacy Education and Practice. Webinar. virtual: American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy.
- Frederick, K., Cooley, J. H., & Larson, S. (2024, July). A Continuing Professional Development Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience to Develop Practice-Ready Graduates: Three Institutions’ Experiences. pre-recorded presentation. virtual: American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy.
- Cooley, J. H. (2023, June). Preceptor Orientation, an introduction. Residency Program Launch. Sierra Vista, Arizona: Canyon Vista Medical Center.
- Cooley, J. H., & Larson, S. (2023, June). What can we do to expand CPD?. Annual Conference on Pharmacoepidemiology in Africa. pre-recorded for audience in Cape Town, South Africa.
- Cooley, J. H., & Larson, S. (2023, October). The Choice Is Yours: A Choose Your Own Adventure Approach to Precepting Dilemmas. American Society of Health-System Pharmacists National Pharmacy Preceptors Conference. Virtual: ASHP.
- Cooley, J. H., Cox, C., Khalifa, A., Abu Baker, A., El Ouweini, A., & El Nekidy, W. (2023, Nov). Teamwork . Gulf Medical University and Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center Pharmacy Preceptor showcase. Virtual: Gulf Medical University and Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center.
- Cooley, J. H., Kennie-Kaulbach, N., & Williams, C. (2023, October). The Professional Cornerstone: A Preceptors’ Role as the Key Building Block for Professional Identity Formation. . American Society of Health-System Pharmacists National Pharmacy Preceptors Conference. Virtual: ASHP.
- Cooley, J. H., Larson, S., & Frederick, K. (2023, Nov). Promoting a Growth Mindset in Pharmacy Experiential Education. . University of Tennessee Continuing Education program. Virtual: University of Tennessee.
- Cooley, J. H., Larson, S., & Koolick, B. (2023, January). Which Part is Mine? How Preceptors Can Help Students Prepare for the NAPLEX! . recorded webinar. virtual: Arizona Pharmacy Association.
- Cooley, J. H., Stevenson, L., & Djuric Kachlic, M. (2023, June). Implementation and Experiences in EPA for Pharmacy Education. US-Thai Pharmacy Consortium. Virtual: US-Thai Consortium.
- Hanson, L., Larson, S., & Cooley, J. H. (2023, Oct). Learning Styles and Tailoring Rotations to Optimize Learner Experience. Live webinar. virtual: Arizona Pharmacy Association.
- Henry, N., Cooley, J. H., & Larson, S. (2023, June). A Recipe for Easy Precepting. AZPA Annual Meeting. Tucson: Arizona Pharmacy Association.
- Kennie-Kaulbach, N., Anksorus, H., Cooley, J. H., O'Sullivan, T., & Riley, B. (2023, July). How can Preceptors put the “P” in PIF? . American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Meeting. Aurora, CO: AACP.
- Nelson, N., Rhoney, D., Cooley, J., & Larson, S. (2023, July). In search of the Holy Grail: Developing Clinical Reasoning Skills to carry learners into practice. American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Meeting. Aurora, CO: AACP.
- Cooley, J. H. (2022, July). Wheel of Pharmacy: The Pharmacists’ Patient Care Process. McKesson Ideashare Conference. Washington, DC: McKesson.
- Cooley, J. H. (2022, October). Precepting pearl: Using learner self-assessments to save time! . American Society of Health-System Pharmacists National Pharmacy Preceptors Conference. Chicago, IL: ASHP.
- Cooley, J. H., Larson, S., & Cheung, M. (2022, June). Put on your game face: An interactive board game to review precepting fundamentals. Arizona Pharmacy Association Annual Meeting. Phoenix, AZ: AZPA.
- Frederick, K., Cooley, J. H., & Larson, S. (2022, July). A Continuing Professional Development Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience to Develop Practice-Ready Graduates: Three Institutions’ Experiences. . American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Meeting. Grapevine, TX: AACP.
- Larson, S., & Cooley, J. H. (2022, June). Put on your game face: An interactive board game to review precepting fundamentals. American Society of Health-System Pharmacists Summer Conference. Phoenix, AZ: ASHP.
- Larson, S., Cooley, J. H., & Cheung, M. (2022, October). Put on your game face: An interactive board game to review precepting fundamentals. American Society of Health-System Pharmacists National Pharmacy Preceptors Conference. Chicago, IL: ASHP.
- Cooley, J. H., & Larson, S. (2021, June). Demystifying Metacognition: Practical Tools to Improve the Thinking of Yourself and Your Learners. Arizona Pharmacy Association Annual Meeting. Virtual: AZPA.
- Cooley, J. H., & Larson, S. (2021, October). Precepting Hacks: Technology in Rotations. American Society of Health-System Pharmacists National Pharmacy Preceptors Conference. Virtually: ASHP.
- Cornelison, B. R., Backus, D., Burns, A., & Cooley, J. H. (2021, May 21). Virtually Precepting Rotation Students (as an encore presentation). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Pharmacists Work Group Annual Meeting. Virtual, Zoom: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.More infoACPE Activity # 0100-9999-21-029-L04-P (1.0 CPE)
- Larson, S., & Cooley, J. H. (2021, August). Keep Calm, Its Just Feedback: Exploring and Practicing Feedback Methods. VA Tennessee Valley Healthcare System Preceptor Training. Virtually: VA Tennessee Valley.
- Larson, S., & Cooley, J. H. (2021, October). I Think, Therefore I Am: Practical Tools to Improve Critical Thinking. American Society of Health-System Pharmacists National Pharmacy Preceptors Conference. Virtually: ASHP.
- Stevens, A., Tiemeier, A., Larson, S., & Cooley, J. H. (2021, July). Innovation in Times of Crisis: Delivering Experiential Opportunities in the Remote Work Environment.. American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Meeting. Virtual: AACP.
- Charneski, L., Cooley, J. H., Dhing, C., Eiland, L., Hsia, S., Nguyen, T., & Lacroix, M. (2020, July). Wait, You’re Implementing a New Curriculum Too?!? Perspectives from Across the Country. AACP Annual Meeting. Online: AACP.
- Cooley, J. H. (2020, Feb). Pharmacists Patient Care Process. Invited presentation at Lebanese American University. Online: Lebanese American University.
- Janke, K., Albon, S., & Cooley, J. H. (2020, July 2020). Taking the Reins in Describing the Impact of Your Educational Scholarship.. AACP Annual Meeting. Online: AACP.
- Larson, S., & Cooley, J. H. (2020, Feb 2020). An electronic escape room to review teaching and learning strategies. Lilly Conference on Evidence-Based Teaching and Learning. San Diego, CA: Lilly Education Conference.
- Larson, S., & Cooley, J. H. (2020, Oct). Keep Calm, Its Just Feedback: Exploring and Practicing Feedback Methods. ASHP National Pharmacy Preceptors Conference. Online: ASHP.
- Larson, S., Boanca, J., & Cooley, J. H. (2020, Oct). Pragmatic Approaches to the Layered Learning Practice Model.. AZPA Annual Meeting. Online: AZPA.
- Williams, C., Cooley, J. H., Smith, M. D., & Wolcott, M. (2020, July). Four Schools Tackle Meaningful Preceptor Development. AACP Annual Meeting. Online: AACP.
- Cooley, J. H., Hager, K., Trovinger, S., & Wheeler, J. (2019, July 2019). Tackling PPCP Challenges: Tactics for Engaging Preceptors through the Pharmacists’ Patient Care Process.. AACP Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL: AACP.
- Burnworth, M., Larson, S., & Cooley, J. H. (2018, February 2018). “The Christmas Story”: Learning about Successful Failure from Ralphie. Lilly Conference on Evidence-Based Teaching and Learning. Anaheim, CA: Lilly Conference.
- Cooley, J. H. (2018, June). Great Work! But...Is there more to evaluating abstracts and posters?. AZPA Annual Meeting. Phoenix: Arizona Pharmacy Association.
- Cooley, J. H., & Larson, S. (2018, Oct). The Power of Yet: Promoting a growth mindset in student and resident pharmacists. National Pharmacy Preceptors Conference. Dallas, TX: American Society of Health Systems Pharmacists.
- Cooley, J. H., Crosby, S., Hertz, D., & Luzum, J. (2018, July). Perspectives on Developing a Successful New Investigator Award Application. Pharmacy Practice Section WebinarAmerican Association of Colleges of Pharmacy.
- Cooley, J. H., Larson, S., & Burnworth, M. (2018, Oct). Failure is not an option, but successful failure is: " A christmas story".. National Pharmacy Preceptors Conference. Dallas, TX: American Society of Health Systems Pharmacists.
- Cooley, J. H., Larson, S., Burnworth, M., & Davis, L. (2018, June). Preceptor Happy Hour: Stories shared and lessons learned. AZPA Annual Meeting. Phoenix: Arizona Pharmacy Association.
- Burnworth, M., Larson, S., & Cooley, J. H. (2017, December 2017). “The Christmas Story”: A Successful Failure. American Society of Health-Systems Pharmacists Midyear Clinical Meeting. Orlando, FL: American Society of Health-Systems Pharmacists.
- Cooley, J. H., & Larson, S. (2017, February 2017). The Power of Yet: Creating a Learning Environment that Cultivates a Growth Mindset. Lilly Conference on Evidence-Based Teaching and Learning. Anaheim, CA: Lilly Conference.
- Larson, S., & Cooley, J. H. (2017, August 2017). The Power of Yet: Promoting Growth Mindsets in Student and Resident Pharmacists. American Society of Health-System Pharmacists National Pharmacy Preceptors Conference. Washington, DC: American Society of Health-System Pharmacists.
- Schussel, K., & Cooley, J. H. (2017, July 2017). Implementation of an Interprofessional Medication Therapy Management Experience. American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Meeting. Nashville, TN: American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy.
- Amerongen, H. M., Cooley, J. H., LeGros, T., Larson, W. J., & Theodorou, A. (2016, June). A Constructivist Tool for Teaching Role Knowledge and Respect in Early Interprofessional Education. International Association of Medical Educators Annual Meeting. Leiden, Netherlands.
- Cooley, J. H., Warholak, T. L., Nelson, M., Stolpe, S. S., Arya, V., Walsh, A., & Montoya, A. (2016, May). Status of quality improvement education across U.S. colleges of pharmacy.. The Pharmacy Quality Alliance Annual Meeting.
- De Zapien, J. G., Mcclelland, D. J., Cooley, J. H., Carroll, T. L., Maqueo-Chew, A. G., & Hall-Lipsy, E. A. (2016, September). Developing an assessment tool for an interprofessional, binational, service learning activity for health professions students: focusing on empathy, advocacy, and cultural competency outcomes. All Together Better Health VIII. Oxford, England: World Coordinating Committee of Inteprofessional Networks.
- Warholak, T. L., Cooley, J. H., & Hincapie, A. L. (2015, October). Quality Improvement in the Education of Doctors of Pharmacy in the United States: A Project Update.. International Society for Quality in Healthcare 32nd Annual Meeting. Doha, Qatar: ISQua.
Poster Presentations
- Fazel, M. T., Fazel, M. T., Cameron, C. K., Cameron, C. K., Cooley, J. H., & Cooley, J. H. (2023, July 2023). A pilot study to evaluate the feasibility of a curriculum review process. AACP Annual Meeting. Aurora, CO: AACP.
- Choi, B., Obeng-Kusi, M., Axon, D. R., Warholak, T. L., & Cooley, J. H. (2021, Fall). Improving a Rating Scale: Applying Rasch Analysis to Student Pharmacists′ Perceptions of Their Professional Identity. Virtual ISPOR Europe 2021. virtual.More infoValue in Health. 2022; 25 (1) S212.
- Chien, J., Axon, D. R., & Cooley, J. H. (2020, July). What makes you a pharmacist? Pharmacy students’ perceptions of their professional identity. AACP Annual Meeting. Online: AACP.
- Fazel, M. T., Fazel, M. T., Mansour, H., Mansour, H., Benjamin, A., Benjamin, A., Cooley, J. H., Cooley, J. H., Cameron, C. K., & Cameron, C. K. (2020, July 2020). Implementing a culture of professional identity formation through intentional career pathways reflection and aligned mentorship. AACP Annual Meeting. Online: AACP.
- Lee, J. K., McCutcheon, L., Fazel, M. T., Cooley, J. H., Saleh, A., & Slack, M. K. (2020, March). A systematic review and meta-analysis of impact of interprofessional team-based care on hypertension outcomes in primary care. American Pharmacists Association (APhA) Annual Meeting. Virtual: American Pharmacists Association (APhA).
- Cooley, J. H., Min Simpkins, A. A., & Gordon, H. (2018, July). Creation and Assessment of an Interprofessional Activity Using Thinkshare. AACP Annual Meeting. Boston, MA: American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy.
- Augustine, J., Slack, M. K., Cooley, J. H., Holmes, E., Bhattacharjee, S., & Warholak, T. L. (2017, Summer 2017). Predictors of student performance on business and management role-playing scenarios. APhA Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA: American Pharmacists Association.
- Cooley, J. H. (2017, July 2017). The Ever-Changing Evaluation Process for Pharmacy Student Rotations.. American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Meeting. Nashville, TN: American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy.
- Cooley, J. H., Burnworth, M., Larson, S., & Lewis, C. (2017, August 2017). Christmas in July: A Successful Failure Story. American Society for Health System Pharmacists National Pharmacy Preceptor Conference. Washington, DC: American Society for Health System Pharmacists.
- Cooley, J. H., Cameron, C. K., Bhattacharjee, S., & Phan, H. (2017, July 2017). Helping PharmD Students Develop Self-Awareness: A Longitudinal Approach. American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Meeting. Nashville, TN: American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy.
- Johnson, K., Cooley, J. H., Forbes, S., Taylor, A., Lipsy, R., DiLeo, J., & Shields, W. (2017, July 2017). Implementation of an Interprofessional Medication Therapy Management Experience. American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Annual Meeting. Nashville, TN: American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy.
- McManus, K., Metrejean, C., Schweitzer, K., Cooley, J. H., & Warholak, T. L. (2017, May 2017). Teaching About Quality and Safety at Schools/Colleges of Pharmacy in the United States: Exemplars. Pharmacy Quality Alliance Annual Meeting. Baltimore, Maryland: Pharmacy Quality Alliance.
- Wali, H., Mopera, D., Warholak, T. L., & Cooley, J. H. (2017, December 2017). Differences in Medication Nonadherence Based on Medication Type. American Society of Health-System Pharmacists Midyear Meeting. Orlando, FL: American Society of Health-System Pharmacists.
- Amerongen, H. M., Cooley, J. H., LeGros, T. A., Larson, W. J., & Theodorou, A. A. (2016, April 2016). A Constructivist Tool for Teaching Role Knowledge and Respect in Early Interprofessional Education. Western Group on Educational Affairs. Tucson, AZ: Western Group on Educational Affairs.
- Cooley, J. H., Bhattacharjee, S., & Phan, H. (2016, July). Career Preparation for PharmD Students: From Job Networking to Enhancing Interviewing Skills. Annual American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) Meeting. Anaheim, CA, USA.
- Patel, M., Slack, M. K., Cooley, J. H., & Bhattacharjee, S. (2016, July). Application of asymmetric information theory to pharmacists’ preference of OTC medications. AACP Annual Meeting. Anaheim, CA, USA.
- Slack, M. K., Augustine, J., Erin, H., Cooley, J. H., Warholak, T. L., & Bhattacharjee, S. (2016, July 2016). Development and student feedback of an objective structured management exam (OSME). AACP Annual Meeting. Anaheim, CA: American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy.
- Slack, M. K., Augustine, J., Holmes, E., Bhattacharjee, S., Warholak, T. L., & Cooley, J. H. (2016, March). Preceptors' identification of key management skills for PharmD students. American Pharmacists Association Annual Meeting. Baltimore, MD.
- Cooley, J. H., & Wilson, C. (2015, July). Examination of a Novel Tool for Student Self-Assessment of Programmatic Expected Outcomes.. American Association of College of Pharmacy Annual Meeting. National Harbor, MD: AACP.More infoThis was the School Poster for the annual meeting. We reported on the innovative use of RxPreceptor to collect portfolio data electronically and results for the class of 2015.
- Grear, A., Boles, H., Ardebili, R., Cooley, J. H., & Thoi, S. (2015, December). Evaluating an APPE assessment tool using electronic surveys to assess preceptor attitudes and implementing improvements to more accurately measure student achievement. American Society of Health System Pharmacists Mid-Year Meeting. New Orleans, LA: ASHP.
- Russell, K., Slack, M. K., Cooley, J. H., & Mathews, K. (2015, December). Impact of a Specialty Pharmacy Based Oral Chemotherapy Adherence Program on Patient Adherence. American Society of Health System Pharmacists Mid-Year Meeting. New Orleans, LA: ASHP.
- Slack, M. K., Cooley, J. H., Guimond, S., Okegbile, E., & Stevens, J. (2015, Fall). Differences in pharmacists' skin cancer prevention strategies by age and gender. ISPOR 5th Latin American Conference. Santiago, Chile.
- Lee, J. K., Herrier, R. N., & Cooley, J. H. (2014, July). From Knowledge to Advanced Patient Care: Active Learning Preparation for Pharmacy Practice. AACP Annual Meeting in Grapevine, TX. Grapevine, Texas: American Association of College of Pharmacy.
- Slack, M. K., Cooley, J. H., Almada, E., & Vasquez, K. (2014, December 2014). Assessing access to pharmacy care among refugees in Tucson, Arizona. ASHP Midyear in Anaheim. Anaheim, California: American Society of Health-System Pharmacists.
- Walsh, A., Montoya, A., Cooley, J. H., & Warholak, T. L. (2014, December). Quality improvement education in colleges of pharmacy: a qualitative and quantitative analysis. American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) Midyear Clinical Meeting. San Diego, CA: ASHP.
- Yip, S., Li, P., & Cooley, J. H. (2014, December). Effect of mock interviews on student performance on career day interviewing. ASHP Midyear in Anaheim, CA. Anaheim, California: American Society of Health-System Pharmacists.
- Fyfe, K., Lee-Chan, T., Marrow, H., Cooley, J. H., & Brock, J. (2013, December). The effect of follow-up phone calls after patient discharge on 30-day hospital readmission rates.. ASHP Midyear Meeting in Orlando. Orlando, Florida: American Society of Health-Systems Pharmacists.
- Cooley, J. H., & Spencer, J. (2012, July). Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience Emphasizing Medication Reconciliation. AACP Annual meeting in Kissimmee, FL. Kissimmee, Florida: American Association of College of Pharmacy.
- Spencer, J., & Cooley, J. H. (2012, July). Student and Older Adult Relationship (SOAR) Project as an Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience. AACP Annual meeting in Kissimmee, FL. Kissimmee, FL: American Association of College of Pharmacy.
- Cooley, J. H., Lam, E., & Puracan, J. (2011, March). Identifying most frequent medication errors and introduction of a new medication error reporting form: A quality improvement project.. American Pharmacist Association Annual Meeting. Seattle, WA: American Pharmacist Association.
- Aguilar, C., Chau, C., Giridharin, N., Huh, Y., & Cooley, J. H. (2010, Spring). Pharmacy Staff Opinions of Proposed Workflow Changes Intended to Decrease Errors in an Outpatient Hospital Pharmacy. ASHP Annual Meeting 2010.
- Cooley, J. H., Gunderson, L., Tate, J., & Draugalis, J. (2007, March). Creation, Delivery, and Evaluation of a Malignant Melanoma Continuing Education Program for Pharmacists.. American Pharmacists Association Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA: American Pharmacists Association.
- Fazel, M., Cooley, J. H., & Fazel, M. T. (2017, July). Evaluating the Effect of an Interprofessional Co-Curricular Training on Pharmacy Student Confidence in Providing Diabetes Self-Management Support.. Round Table Discussion at: colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) Annual Meeting; 2017 July 17; Nashville, TN..