Stuart F Quan
- Professor Emeritus
- (520) 626-9685
- AHSC, Rm. 2301
- TUCSON, AZ 85724-5099
- squan@arizona.edu
- M.D.
- University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, California, United States
No activities entered.
No activities entered.
Scholarly Contributions
- Butler, E. A., Glickenstein, D. A., Silva Torres, G. E., Quan, S. F., Thomson, C. A., & Haynes, P. L. (2019). Inconsistent Social Rhythms are Associated with Higher Waist Circumference Following Job Loss. Society of Behavioral Medicine annual meeting.
- Parthasarathy, S., Edgin, J. O., Hsu, C., Morgan, W. J., Quan, S. F., Goodwin III, J. L., & Combs, D. (2019). Mother knows best? Comparing child and parent report of sleep parameters with polysomnography. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine.
- Parthasarathy, S., Quan, S. F., Provencio, N., Berryhill, S., Poongkunran, C., Patel, S., Havens, C., Sans-Fuentes, M., Combs, D., & Bailey, O. F. (2019). Delayed sleep time in African Americans and depression in a community-based population. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine.
- Burgess, J. L., Witten, M. L., Nanson, C. J., Hysong, T. A., Sherrill, D. L., Quan, S. F., Gerkin, R., & Bernard, A. M. (2003). Serum pneumoproteins: A cross-sectional comparison of firefighters and police. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 44(3), 246-253.
Proceedings Publications
- Glickenstein, D. A., Kobayashi, U., Silva, G. E., Quan, S. F., Thomson, C. A., Apolinar, G., & Haynes, P. L. (2019, Fall). Social rhythm instability is associated with abdominal adiposity after involuntary job loss.. In Sleep.
- Glickenstein, D. A., Kobayashi, U., Silva, G. E., Quan, S. F., Thomson, C. A., Apolinar, G., & Haynes, P. L. (2020, June). Social rhythm instability is associated with abdominal adiposity after involuntary job loss.. In Sleep, 43, A397-398.
- Haynes, P. L., Welty, C. W., Quan, S. F., Apolinar, G. R., & Skobic, I. (2019, Spring). Prevalence of Marijuana Use Versus Evidence Based Treatments for Sleep and Relaxation. In Sleep, 42, A144.
- Quan, S., Perfect, M., Powers, L. S., Chen, S., Quan, S. F., Roveda, J. M., & Li, A. (2017, Spring). Dream Sweet Dreams: A New Framework for Sleep Tracking and Body Change Prediction”, Keynote, Simulation and Modeling for Medical Systems. In ACM simulation series; Virginia Beach, VA, 49, 106-107.
- Roveda, J. M., Slepian, M. J., Perfect, M. M., Quan, S. F., & Rahman, F. (2017, Feb). Embedded systems in Medical devices and their integration with medical data, EMR and Big Data. In International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI).
- Silva Torres, G. E., Rojo-Wissar, D., Quan, S. F., & Haynes, P. L. (2017, June). Sensitivity and Specificity of the Duke Structured Interview for Sleep Disorders to Assess Sleep Disordered Breathing. In Sleep, 40, A180.
- Roveda, J. M., Perfect, M. M., & Quan, S. F. (2016, April 3-6). Modeling and Simulation for pediatric sleep and education performance correlations. In Spring Simulation Multi-Conference.
- Lee-Iannotti, J. K., Quan, S. F., Combs, D., Patel, S. I., Antonescu, C., Kukafka, D. S., & Parthasarathy, S. (2020, June). Test Characteristics of a machine learned Electronic Medical Record Extractable tool for OSA Case Identification in a Community-based Population. 2020 meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies. Philadelphia, PA.
- Butler, E. A., Glickenstein, D. A., Silva Torres, G. E., Quan, S. F., Thomson, C. A., & Haynes, P. L. (2019, Spring). Inconsistent Social Rhythms are Associated with Higher Waist Circumference Following Job Loss. Society of Behavioral Medicine annual meeting. Washington D.C.: Society of Behavioral Medicine.
- Parthasarathy, S., Skrepnek, G. H., Combs, D., Quan, S. F., DeArmond, R. L., Provencio, N., Sarah, B., Wendel, C., & Patel, S. I. (2019, June). Effects of peer support participation on peer mentors. 2019 meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies. San Antonio, TX.
Poster Presentations
- Parthasarathy, S., Quan, S. F., Provencio, N., Berryhill, S., Patel, S., Poongkunran, C., Combs, D., Havens, C., Sans-Fuente, M., & Bailey, O. (2018, June). Delayed sleep time in African Americans and depression in a community-based population. 2018 meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies. Baltimore, MD.
- Combs, D., Goodwin, J., Quan, S. F., Morgan, W. J., Edgin, J. O., & Parthasarathy, S. (2017, June). Mother knows best? Comparing child and parent report of sleep parameters with polysomnography. 2017 meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies. Boston, MA.
- Parthasarathy, S., Edgin, J. O., Morgan, W. J., Quan, S. F., Goodwin, J., & Combs, D. (2017, June). Mother knows best? Comparing child and parent report of sleep parameters with polysomnography. 2017 meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies.
- Quan, S. F., Haynes, P. L., Sherrill, D. L., Silva Torres, G. E., Gengler, D., Glickenstein, D. A., Rojo-Wissar, D., Oliver, R., Nair, U. S., Nair, U. S., Oliver, R., Rojo-Wissar, D., Gengler, D., Glickenstein, D. A., Silva Torres, G. E., Sherrill, D. L., Haynes, P. L., & Quan, S. F. (2017, March). High prevalence of over the counter sleep aid use among individuals who have experienced involuntary job loss. Society of Behavioral Medicine. San Diego, CA.
- Parthasarathy, S., Parthasarathy, S., Quan, S. F., Quan, S. F., Desai, B., Desai, B., Patel, S. I., Patel, S. I., Combs, D., Combs, D., Kulkarni, H., Kulkarni, H., Partha, M., Partha, M., Berryhill, S., Berryhill, S., Wendel, C. W., Wendel, C. W., Morton, C. J., , Morton, C. J., et al. (2018, December). EMR- And Clinic-Based Approaches For Recruiting Peer Support For Sleep Apnea. 2019 meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies. San Antonio, TX.