Mamadou A Baro
- Associate Research Anthropologist
- Professor, School of Anthropology
- Professor, Arid Lands Resources Sciences - GIDP
- Member of the Graduate Faculty
- (520) 621-2624
- Emil W. Haury Anth. Bldg., Rm. 316
- Tucson, AZ 85721
- baro@arizona.edu
Dr Baro serves as the Director of the Bureau of Applied Research in Anthropology (BARA) in the School of Anthropology at the University of Arizona. He is an African-renowned applied anthropologist and an innovative researcher in the areas of land governance, desertification, climate change, resilience and participatory development. He is recognized for bold and effective strategies to address issues related to extreme poverty and social exclusion barriers. He has taught and conducted research at Arizona for 25 years, 15 of which were in the capacity of Executive member in the Bureau of Applied Research in Anthropology. He has also worked over the last 30 years as a consultant for the United Nations agencies, the World Bank, IFAD, USAID, Care International, Oxfam, Save the Children, OMVS, Tango International and local non-governmental organizations.
- Ph.D. Anthropology
- University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, United States
- Household Livelihood Security in Haiti
Work Experience
- Minister of Economy (2021 - Ongoing)
- Bureau of Applied Research in Anthropology, University of Arizona (2020 - Ongoing)
- Mauritanian Diaspora Forum (2020 - 2022)
- United States Agency for International Development (2005 - Ongoing)
- Technical Assistance to NGos (2005 - Ongoing)
- International Fund for Agricultural Development (1995 - 2010)
- World Bank (1992 - Ongoing)
- Distinguished Speaker on Resilience and Climate Change in the Sahel.
- IPAR, Spring 2022 (Award Finalist)
- Innovation keynote speaker on Land Governance in the Senegal River Valley
- Senegal River Valley Authority, Summer 2021
- Senegal River Valley Authority (OMVS), Summer 2021
- Senegal River Valley Authority, Spring 2021 (Award Finalist)
- Distinguished Outreach Research Practionner in Developing the bridges between Africa and the Diaspora,
- CCME, Summer 2020
- Distinguished Lecturer
- Department of Social Sciences, University Gaston Berger, Senegal, Fall 2018
- Elected to CCME as President
- (Mauritania academics in the Diaspora), Summer 2018
- Centre de Suvi Ecologique (Senegal)- Cheikh Anta Diop Fellowship
- What type of organization made the award?: African Regional Center for the Environment;, Fall 2012
- Sahel Research Fellowship Award
- What type of organization made the award?: Senegal River Valley Authority;, Fall 2011
- Designing an Early Warning System for the Sahel
- What type of organization made the award?: CILS;Description: Designed and implemented an early Warning System and disaster management for the sahel countries.;, Fall 2008
- Training in Household LIvelihood Security
- CARE International;Description: Trained 45 Technical agents in CARE, West Africa;Type of Organization: NGO;, Spring 2008
Licensure & Certification
- Language Proficiency Expert/Examinator, University of Arizona (2000)
- Certificate of Achievement in Security in the Field, United Nations Department of Safety and Security (2012)
Innovative research methods that address the multi-dimensional nature of poverty, specially in developing countries.
I love teaching young people about different perspectives in international development and the similarities and differences of cultures around the world and wish to make a positive influence on people's lives. I enjoy the freedom and creativity that education provides.
2024-25 Courses
ANTH 920 (Spring 2025) -
Independent Study
ANTH 499 (Spring 2025) -
ANTH 920 (Fall 2024) -
Independent Study
ANTH 499 (Fall 2024)
2023-24 Courses
ANTH 920 (Spring 2024)
2022-23 Courses
Applying Anth Globl Cntx
ANTH 202 (Spring 2023)
2021-22 Courses
Applying Anth Globl Cntx
ANTH 202 (Spring 2022) -
Independent Study
ANTH 699 (Fall 2021)
2020-21 Courses
Applying Anth Globl Cntx
ANTH 202 (Spring 2021) -
Honors Thesis
ANTH 498H (Spring 2021) -
Honors Thesis
ANTH 498H (Fall 2020)
2019-20 Courses
ANTH 631 (Spring 2020) -
Applying Anth Globl Cntx
ANTH 202 (Spring 2020) -
Honors Independent Study
ANTH 399H (Fall 2019)
2018-19 Courses
Applying Anth Globl Cntx
ANTH 202 (Spring 2019) -
Independent Study
ANTH 399 (Spring 2019) -
Independent Study
ANTH 699 (Spring 2019)
2017-18 Courses
Applying Anth Globl Cntx
ANTH 202 (Spring 2018)
2016-17 Courses
Applying Anth Globl Cntx
ANTH 202 (Spring 2017) -
Independent Study
ANTH 599 (Spring 2017) -
Independent Study
LAS 599 (Spring 2017)
2015-16 Courses
ANTH 631 (Spring 2016) -
LAS 631 (Spring 2016) -
Applying Anth Globl Cntx
ANTH 202 (Spring 2016)
Scholarly Contributions
- Baro, M. A. (2020). Land tenure issues and socio-political challenges in Mauritania. In Terrestrial Transformations: A Political Ecology Approach to Society and Nature.
- Baro, M. A. (2021). Intégrer la bonne gouvernance foncière comme pilier de la sécurité alimentaire en Mauritanie. In Securite ALimentaire en Mauritanie(p. 22). Tunis Press.
- Hames, J. (2017). âA river is not a boundaryâ: interplays of national and linguistic citizenship in Pulaar language activism. Canadian Journal of African Studies / Revue canadienne des études africaines, 51(1), 103-122.
- Bullard, A. (2016). Esclavage Fonciere in Mauritania: Turning to a Politics of the Street. Proceedings of the African Futures Conference, 1(1), 242-255.
- Herrmann, S. M., & Tappan, G. G. (2013). Vegetation impoverishment despite greening: A case study from central Senegal. Journal of Arid Environments, 90, 55-66.
- Baro, M. A. (2010). L'Etat de l'Esclavage en Mauritanie. Revue des Sciences Sociales de l'Universite de Nouakchott..More infoCurrent state of slavery in Mauritanie, an anthropological perspective.;Full Citation: L'etat de l'esclavage en Mauritanie. Revue des Sciences Sociales de l'Universite de Nouakchott.;
- Koopman, J. E. (2009). Globalization, Gender, and Poverty in the Senegal River Valley. Feminist Economics, 15(3), 253-285.
- Béné, C., & Merten, S. (2008). Women and Fish-for-Sex: Transactional Sex, HIV/AIDS and Gender in African Fisheries. World Development, 36(5), 875-899.
- Baro, M., & Deubel, T. F. (2006). Persistent Hunger: Perspectives on Vulnerability, Famine, and Food Security in Sub-Saharan Africa.
- Thompson, R. (2005). Anthropology at the University of Arizona, 1893-2005. Journal of the Southwest, 47(3), 327-374.
- Park, T. K., & Baro, M. (2003). The Six Cities Project: developing a methodology of surveying densely populated areas using social science assisted and diachronic remote sensing based classiï¬cation of habitation. Journal of Political Ecology, 10(1), 1-23.
- Park, T., Greenberg, J., Nell, E., Marsh, S., Baro, M., & Mjahed, M. (2003). Research on Urbanization in the Developing World: New Directions. Journal of Political Ecology, 10(1), 69-94.
- Baro, M. (2002). Food Insecurity and Livelihood Systems in Northwest Haiti. Journal of Political Ecology, 9(1), 1-34.
- Henderson, H., Hutchinson, B., & Baro, M. (1994). Participation of Women in Agricultural Education and Integration of Gender Issues into Agricultural Curricula in Two Developing Countries. International Education, 23(2), 46.
Proceedings Publications
- Baro, M. A. (2011). Femmes et Micro-credit au Sahel.More info;Your Role: Review of the "Tontine' System in the Sahel.;Full Citation: Femmes et Micro-credit au Sahel. Oxfam-Mali;Collaborative with undergraduate student: Yes;Collaborative with graduate student: Yes;
- Powell, C. M., & Baro, M. A. (2024, August). Niger Resiliance in Agribusiness Master's Program: A co-created project. AGR Implementing Partners Meeting. Niamey, Niger: USAID.
- Baro, M. A. (2012, 2012-08-01). Understanding Resiliency in the context or recurring crisis in the Sahel.. Rome/Italy.More info;Invited: Yes;Collaborative with graduate student: Yes;Type of Presentation: Invited/Plenary Speaker;
- Baro, M. A. (2011, 2011-03-01). Introducting Fanta II Layers Methodology in Mali, Chad and Niger. Ndjamena, Chad.More info;Invited: Yes;Collaborative with undergraduate student: Yes;Type of Presentation: Government/Policy Audiences;
- Baro, M. A. (2011, 2011-06-01). Sustainable Development & Food Aid in Africa. Dakar.More info;Invited: Yes;Interdisciplinary: Yes;Type of Presentation: Professional Organization;
- Baro, M. A. (2011, 2011-07-01). Monitoring & Evaluation of Development Projects in the Sahel. Niamey, Niger.More info;Interdisciplinary: Yes;Collaborative with undergraduate student: Yes;Collaborative with graduate student: Yes;Type of Presentation: Panel Discussant (Reporting Research);
- Baro, M. A. (2011, 2011-10-01). Monitoring the Impact of OXFAM Saving for Change model in the Saehl. Arusha-Tanzania.More info;Submitted: Yes;Invited: Yes;Interdisciplinary: Yes;Collaborative with undergraduate student: Yes;Collaborative with graduate student: Yes;Collaborative with faculty member in unit: Yes;Type of Presentation: Panel Discussant (Reporting Research);
- Baro, M. A. (2010, 2010-03-01). Improving Recession Agriculture with Dama and Manantali. Gestion des Ouvrages de Manantali et Diama. Dakar.More info;Type of Presentation: Invited/Plenary Speaker;
- Baro, M. A. (2009, 2008-08-01). Good governance and Sustainable Development. Saint-Louis, Senegal.More info;Type of Presentation: Invited/Plenary Speaker;
- Baro, M. A. (2008, 2008-11-01). Food Crisis in West Africa. WFP/European Union. Dakar-Senegal.More info;Invited: Yes;Interdisciplinary: Yes;Type of Presentation: Government/Policy Audiences;
Creative Productions
- Baro, M. A. (2018. Mauritania: A Land sector review. World Bank. Washington DC: World Bank.
- Baro, M. A. (2017. Keynote speaker for the World Bank Group-IMF Spring Meetings in the "Land 2030: Land Rights and Inclusive Sustainable Growth" seminar taking place on Friday, April 21, 2017 in Washington DC.. World Bank Headquarters. Washington DC: World Bank.
- Baro, M. A. (2016. Entente fonciere de Maghama. IPAR/FAO. Dakar, Senegal: IPAR/FAO.
- Baro, M. A. (2014. Developing Dio-Gare. Oxfam America - Boston. Boston: Oxfam.
Case Studies
- Baro, M. A. (2013. Land Governance Framework: the case of Mauritania(p. 210).
- Baro, M. A., Persha, L., & Magistro, J. (2018, January). Summative performance evaluation of Food for Peace title II projects LAHIA, PASAM-TAI, and Sawki in Niger. USAID. Bur. for Policy, Planning and Learning. Ofc. of Learning, Evaluation and Research. https://dec.usaid.gov/dec/content/Detail_Presto.aspx?vID=47&ctID=ODVhZjk4NWQtM2YyMi00YjRmLTkxNjktZTcxMjM2NDBmY2Uy&rID=NTAxODc5
- , ., & , . (2017, 2017). The U.S. Agency for International Development - Discussion. The U.S. Agency for International Development - Discussion.
- Baro, M. A. (2017, July). Sahel Framework for mainstreaming land policy and governance into national agriculture policy.. Africa Land Adivisory group.
- Baro, M. A., Hardin, M. C., Homer, P. T., Mckean, B., Overstreet, S. G., Anhalt, C. O., Manne, S., Ogden, G. E., Berg, J. A., Fallis, D. T., Decker, P. A., Saavedra, S. S., Hudson, L., Yslas, C. M., Lux, K. M., Joshi, K. N., Lega, J. C., Burross, H. L., Currim, F. A., , Mcarthur, D., et al. (2017, March). Sahel Framework for mainstreaming land policy and governance into national agriculture policy. Africa Land Adivisory group.
- Boyer, M. N., Nichter, M., Baro, M., & Park, T. K. (2017, 2017). Questioning Assumptions about Decision-Making in West African Households: Examples from Longitudinal Studies in Benin and Mali.
- Boyer, M., Nichter, M., Baro, M., & Park, T. (2017, 2017). Questioning Assumptions about Decision-Making in West African Households: Examples from Longitudinal Studies in Benin and Mali. Questioning Assumptions about Decision-Making in West African Households: Examples from Longitudinal Studies in Benin and Mali.
- Renkert, S., Alvarez, M., Baro, M., Trosper, R., & Vasquez, M. (2017, 2017). Community-Owned Tourism: Pushing the Paradigms of Alternative Tourisms? A Case Study in the Kichwa Añangu Community. Community-Owned Tourism: Pushing the Paradigms of Alternative Tourisms? A Case Study in the Kichwa Añangu Community.
- Baro, M. A. (2016, November). Decentralized governance and climate change adaptation: a case study on Mali. USAID.
- Brogden, M., Nichter, M., Baro, M., Deubel, T., & Nichter, M. (2016, 2016). Refugee odysseys: An ethnography of refugee resettlement in the U.S. after 9-11. Refugee odysseys: An ethnography of refugee resettlement in the U.S. after 9-11.
- Moorthy, A., Coen, T., Naeve, K., Brecher-Haimson, J., & Hughes, S. (2016, 2016). Evaluation of the Irrigation and Water Resource Management Project in Senegal: Design Report. Evaluation of the Irrigation and Water Resource Management Project in Senegal: Design Report.
- de, O., Finan, T. J., Baro, M., Hutchinson, C., Marsh, S., & Vasquez-Leon, M. (2016, 2016). Growth, equity, and sustainability: A case study of the impacts of green revolution change in Ceará, northeast Brazil. Growth, equity, and sustainability: A case study of the impacts of green revolution change in Ceará, northeast Brazil.
- Baro, M. A. (2015, October). Women and land governance in Mauritania.
- Holst, J., Baro, M., Park, T., & Nichter, M. (2015, 2015). Development and conflict at the ecological margins: Grassroots approaches to democracy and natural resources. Development and conflict at the ecological margins: Grassroots approaches to democracy and natural resources.
- Rahman, M., Finan, T. J., Baro, M., Greenberg, J., & Huq, S. (2015, 2015). Governance matters: Power, corruption, social exclusion, and climate change in Bangladesh. Governance matters: Power, corruption, social exclusion, and climate change in Bangladesh.
- Baro, M. A. (2014, 2014). BARRO, MAMADDU A. BARRO, MAMADDU A.
- Baro, M. A. (2014, February). Assessment of climate change vulnerability in eastern Senegal: Presentation and Analysis of Focus Group Results . African & Latin American Resilience to Climate Change,. USAID funded project implemented by Tetra-Tec.
- Baro, M. A. (2014, October). Contributing Factors to Successful Climate-Resilient Agricultural and Food Security Policies and Programs in Senegal”. USAID/FEED the FUTURE & Agrilinks.
- Pickering, E., Stoffle, R. W., Baro, M., & Greenberg, J. (2014, 2014). The social construction of water in Dominica and how it has influenced use and exportation. The social construction of water in Dominica and how it has influenced use and exportation.
- Yarrington, J., Williams, B. F., Baro, M., & Woodson, D. (2014, 2014). Droits and frontières: Sugar and the edge of France, 1800â1860. Droits and frontières: Sugar and the edge of France, 1800â1860.
- Baro, M. A. (2013, 2013). Master Bibliography. Master Bibliography.
- Shantz, J. A. (2013, 2013). Mauritania: Coups Since 1978. Mauritania: Coups Since 1978.
- Baro, M. A. (2012). Resilience des Communautés Rurales : Une nouvelle approche au Development.More info;Your Role: Implemented a survey in Niger for the US NGOS and wrote the final report.;Full Citation: Resilience des Communautes Rurales : Une nouvelle approche au Development. Sud-Hebdo;
- Baro, M. A. (2012, 2012). Global Perspectives. Global Perspectives.
- Forch, W., Hutchinson, C., Baro, M., Finan, T., & Marsh, S. (2012, 2012). Community resilience in drylands and implications for local development in Tigray, Ethiopia. Community resilience in drylands and implications for local development in Tigray, Ethiopia.
- Mckune, S., Russo, S., & Mayer, B. (2012, 2012). Climate change, livelihood, and household vulnerability in eastern Niger. Climate change, livelihood, and household vulnerability in eastern Niger.
- Niang, A., Park, T. K., Baro, M., Finan, T., & Greenberg, J. (2012, 2012). Mining as development? Corporate/community relationships in the new gold mining sector of West Africa: The case of Sabodala, Senegal. Mining as development? Corporate/community relationships in the new gold mining sector of West Africa: The case of Sabodala, Senegal.
- Stauber, L., Cammarota, J., Woodson, D., & Baro, M. (2012, 2012). Chicanismo in the new generation: âYouth, identity, powerâ in the 21st century borderlands. Chicanismo in the new generation: âYouth, identity, powerâ in the 21st century borderlands.
- Van, V. K., Stoffle, R. W., Baro, M., Colombi, B., Lomawaima, T., & Parezo, N. (2012, 2012). Puaxant tuvip: Powerlands Southern Paiute cultural landscapes and pilgrimage trails. Puaxant tuvip: Powerlands Southern Paiute cultural landscapes and pilgrimage trails.
- Baro, M. A. (2011). Final Evaluation of PROSAN in Niger.More info;Your Role: Lead a team of 35 African scholars for the evaluation of the biggest us funded development project in Niger. Wrote the final report;Full Citation: Final Evaluation of PROSAN in Niger, Helen Keller Internationa & CRS;Collaborative with undergraduate student: Yes;
- Baro, M. A. (2011). Integration du Modele d'Epargner pour le changement dans les pasys du Bassin du Fleuve Senegeal.More info;Your Role: Wrote a manual on how to implement the Oxfam "Saving for Change Model" in the Senegal River Valley countries;Full Citation: Integration du Modele d'Epargner pour le changement dans les pasys du Bassin du Fleuve Senegal. OMVS-Dakar-Senegal;Collaborative with graduate student: Yes;
- Baro, M. A. (2011). Layers Implementation in the Sahel.More info;Your Role: Introduction of a new tool in monitoring the impact of development projects at the household level in the Sahel.;Full Citation: Layers Implementation in the Sahel, FANTA 2, Washngton DC;Collaborative with graduate student: Yes;
- Coffey, M., Park, T. K., Baro, M., Greenberg, J., & Park, T. (2011, 2011). A meta-analysis of Haitian rural household surveys. A meta-analysis of Haitian rural household surveys.
- Homann, L., & Nelson, S. (2011, 2011). When Muslims Masquerade: Lo Gue Performance in Southwestern Burkina Faso. When Muslims Masquerade: Lo Gue Performance in Southwestern Burkina Faso.
- Baro, M. A. (2010). A field-practical method and tools to measure household food security.More infoThis method improves geographic targeting of food insecurity interventions and M&E of food security policies and programs. ;Full Citation: a field-practical method and tools to measure household food security- Fanta & Tango International.;
- Baro, M. A. (2010). Evaluation of school feeding programs: The case of Cote d'Ivoire.More info;Your Role: Team Leader for WFP;Full Citation: Evaluation of school feeding programs: The case of Cote d'Ivoire. World Food Program. November 2010;
- Baro, M. A. (2010). The first comprehensive geo-referenced baseline study of households living in the senegal River Valley.More infoThe first comprehensive geo-referenced baseline study of households living in the senegal River Valley;Your Role: PI.;Full Citation: The first comprehensive geo-referenced baseline study of households living in the senegal River Valley. October 2010;
- Deubel, T., Park, T. K., Baro, M. A., Alonso, A., Betteridge, A., Boum, A., & Clancy-Smith, J. (2010, 2010). Between homeland and exile: Poetry, memory, and identity in Sahrawi communities. Between homeland and exile: Poetry, memory, and identity in Sahrawi communities.
- Villanueva, R., Baro, M., Austin, D., & Greenberg, J. (2010, 2010). The human endeavor of intentional communities: The Gawad Kalinga movement. The human endeavor of intentional communities: The Gawad Kalinga movement.
- Baro, M. A. (2009). Cash-Transfer in Niger.More info;Full Citation: Cash Transfer in Niger. An Evaluation of the British Red Cross Experience in Niger;Type of Publication: Video-documentary;
- Baro, M. A. (2009). Lutte contre la Secheresse au Sahel: Bilan et Perspectives.More info;Your Role: Reviewed strategies on desertification issues in the Sahel;Full Citation: Lutte contre la Secheresse au Sahel: Bilan et Perspectives. UniversiteCheickh Anta Diop.;
- Baro, M. A. (2009). Social protection protection programs in the Sahel.More info;Full Citation: ocial protection protection programs in the Sahel. Sud-Hebdo, 2009;
- Baro, M. A. (2009). “Baseline Report of Saving for Change in Mali: Results from the Ségou Expansion Zone and Existing SFC Sites”..More info;Your Role: Principle investigator on women rotating credit systems in Mali,;Full Citation: “Baseline Report of Saving for Change in Mali: Results from the Ségou Expansion Zone and Existing SFC Sites”. Commissioned by Oxfam America, Freedom from Hunger and the Stromme Foundation. Funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, 2009;Collaborative with graduate student: Yes;Collaborative with faculty member in unit: Yes;
- Mjahed, M., Park, T. K., Baro, M., & Greenberg, J. (2009, 2009). Neighborly governance: Neighborhood associations and participative democracy in Tucson, Arizona. Neighborly governance: Neighborhood associations and participative democracy in Tucson, Arizona.
- Salaam-Blyther, T., & Hanrahan, C. E. (2009, 2009). The impact of food insecurity and hunger on global health: issues for Congress.(Congressional Research Service). The impact of food insecurity and hunger on global health: issues for Congress.(Congressional Research Service).
- Baro, M. A. (2008). Initiatives pour l'attenuation des effets de la flambee des prix en Afrique de l'Ouest.More info;Full Citation: Initiatives pour l'attenuation des effets de la flambee des prix en Afrique de l'Ouest. Revue des Systemes d'Alerte Precoce, Dakar Juin 2008;
- Baro, M. A. (2008). Monitoring and Evaluation of Soaring Food Prices in West Africa.More info;Full Citation: Monitoring and Evaluation of Soaring Food Prices in West Africa. FAO & theWorld Food Program;
- Baro, M. A., Deubel, T., & Greenberg, J. (2008). Operational Evaluation of Saving for Change in Mali.More infoOxfam International;Your Role: Team Leader;Full Citation: Operational Evaluation of Saving for Change in Mali" Oxfam-America;Collaborative with graduate student: Yes;Collaborative with faculty member in unit: Yes;
- Holst, J., & Baro, M. (2008, 2008). Resources, realpolitik, and rebellion: Rethinking grievance in Aceh, Indonesia. Resources, realpolitik, and rebellion: Rethinking grievance in Aceh, Indonesia.
- Niane, M., Ball, G. L., Guertin, D. P., Gimblett, R., & Park, T. (2008, 2008). Issues of geo-spatial involvement in decision making under local government power: A participatory approach. Issues of geo-spatial involvement in decision making under local government power: A participatory approach.
- Dean, E., & Austin, D. E. (2007, 2007). Beyond community: âGlobalâ conservation networks and âlocalâ organization in Tanzania and Zanzibar. Beyond community: âGlobalâ conservation networks and âlocalâ organization in Tanzania and Zanzibar.
- Ijagbemi, B., & Park, T. (2007, 2007). Land tenure reforms and social transformation in Botswana: Implications for urbanization. Land tenure reforms and social transformation in Botswana: Implications for urbanization.
- Mazzeo, J., & Baro, M. A. (2007, 2007). The impact of HIV/AIDS on the Shona livelihood system of southeast Zimbabwe. The impact of HIV/AIDS on the Shona livelihood system of southeast Zimbabwe.
- Pittaluga, F., & Stoffle, R. W. (2007, 2007). Poverty, fishing and livelihoods on Lake Kossou, Côte d'Ivoire. Poverty, fishing and livelihoods on Lake Kossou, Côte d'Ivoire.
- Wind, S., & Nichter, M. (2007, 2007). A reconsideration of child labor from the perspectives of multiple stakeholders in Mysore, India. A reconsideration of child labor from the perspectives of multiple stakeholders in Mysore, India.
- Herrmann, S., & Hutchinson, C. F. (2006, 2006). Human -environment relationships in drylands, with a focus on the West African Sahel. Human -environment relationships in drylands, with a focus on the West African Sahel.
- Sims, C., & Nichter, M. (2006, 2006). Recipes run in our families not illnesses: Older Black women on race, health disparities and the health care system. Recipes run in our families not illnesses: Older Black women on race, health disparities and the health care system.
- West, C., & Baro, M. A. (2006, 2006). Pugkêenga: Assessing the sustainability of household extension and fragmentation under scenarios of global change. Pugkêenga: Assessing the sustainability of household extension and fragmentation under scenarios of global change.
- Nelson, D., & Finan, T. J. (2005, 2005). The public and private sides of vulnerability to drought, an applied model of participatory planning in Ceará, Brazil. The public and private sides of vulnerability to drought, an applied model of participatory planning in Ceará, Brazil.
- Coelho, K., & Nichter, M. (2004, 2004). Of engineers, rationalities, and rule: An ethnography of neoliberal reform in an urban water utility in South India. Of engineers, rationalities, and rule: An ethnography of neoliberal reform in an urban water utility in South India.
- Deubel, T. F., & Baro, M. (2003, 2003). Conserving cultural heritage with microcredit: A case study of the Dogon Culture Bank in Fombori, Mali.
- Deubel, T., & Baro, M. (2003, 2003). Conserving cultural heritage with microcredit: A case study of the Dogon Culture Bank in Fombori, Mali. Conserving cultural heritage with microcredit: A case study of the Dogon Culture Bank in Fombori, Mali.
- Messing, J., & Philips, S. U. (2003, 2003). Ideological multiplicity in discourse: Language shift and bilingual schooling in Tlaxcala, Mexico. Ideological multiplicity in discourse: Language shift and bilingual schooling in Tlaxcala, Mexico.
- Tschakert, P., & Hutchinson, C. F. (2003, 2003). Soil carbon sequestration in small -scale farming systems: A case study from the Old Peanut Basin in Senegal. Soil carbon sequestration in small -scale farming systems: A case study from the Old Peanut Basin in Senegal.
- Jourde, C., & Young, M. C. (2002, 2002). Dramas of ethnic elites accommodation: The authoritarian restoration in Mauritania. Dramas of ethnic elites accommodation: The authoritarian restoration in Mauritania.
- West, C., & Baro, M. A. (2001, 2001). Testing farmersâ perceptions of climate variability with meteorological data: Burkina Faso and the Sulphur Springs Valley, Arizona. Testing farmersâ perceptions of climate variability with meteorological data: Burkina Faso and the Sulphur Springs Valley, Arizona.
- Gardner, A., & Finan, T. J. (2000, 2000). Good old boys in crisis: Truck drivers and shifting occupational identity in the Louisiana oilpatch. Good old boys in crisis: Truck drivers and shifting occupational identity in the Louisiana oilpatch.
- Loftsdottir, K., & Park, T. K. (2000, 2000). The bush is sweet: Identity and desire among the WoDaaBe in Niger. The bush is sweet: Identity and desire among the WoDaaBe in Niger.
- Mohamedahmed, S., & Daniel, T. C. (2000, 2000). Human -environmental interrelationships in recreation settings: A spatial approach. Human -environmental interrelationships in recreation settings: A spatial approach.
- Orr, B., & Hutchinson, C. F. (2000, 2000). More users and more uses: Choosing between land and forest in Malawiâs protected areas. More users and more uses: Choosing between land and forest in Malawiâs protected areas.
- Silvestre, R., & Longacre, W. A. (2000, 2000). The ethnoarchaeology of Kalinga basketry: When men weave baskets and women make pots. The ethnoarchaeology of Kalinga basketry: When men weave baskets and women make pots.
- Wind, S., & Baro, M. (2000, 2000). Towards healing the trauma of torture in Buddhist settings.
- Wind, S., & Baro, M. (2000, 2000). Towards healing the trauma of torture in Buddhist settings. Towards healing the trauma of torture in Buddhist settings.
- Ilahiane, H., & Park, T. K. (1998, 1998). The power of the dagger, the seeds of the Koran, and the sweat of the ploughman: Ethnic stratification and agricultural intensification in the Ziz Valley, southeast Morocco. The power of the dagger, the seeds of the Koran, and the sweat of the ploughman: Ethnic stratification and agricultural intensification in the Ziz Valley, southeast Morocco.
- Ngaido, T., & Collins, J. (1996, 1996). Redefining the boundaries of control: Postcolonial tenure policies and dynamics of social and tenure change in western Niger. Redefining the boundaries of control: Postcolonial tenure policies and dynamics of social and tenure change in western Niger.